Sistema di purificazione dell acqua Milli Q® Super Q
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Sistema di purificazione dell'acqua Milli-Q® Super Q

Cod. Prodotto Milli-Q® Super Q

Ultrapure water quality on demand Super-Q® Plus System is a high-flow water system designed to provide the "final polish" to water which has been pretreated by reverse osmosis, distillation or deionization. Super-Q® Plus systems consistently produce ultrapure water quality which exceeds Type 1 ASTM/CAP/CLSI specifications. The Super-Q® Plus water system features a modular design for the production of ultrapure water. It has an hourly automatic recirculation of water to maintain water quality between uses. Because Super-Q® water is produced "on demand", there is no need to store water and risk degrading its quality over time. Applications Tissue culture media preparation Reagent preparation Microelectronics wafer rinsing Microbiological buffer and media preparation Cartridge selection guide Prefiltration Milligard® Cartridge – High retention membrane filter cartridge removes high particle loads from feed water. Organic removal Super-C™ Cartridge – Activated carbon cartridge for highly efficient removal of organics using unique dry-packed carbon. Inorganic removal Ion-Ex® Cartridge – Mixed bed nuclear grade ion exchange cartridge for highly efficient removal of inorganic ions. Trace organic removal Organex-Q® Cartridge – Unique mixture of ion-exchanged resins and synthetic activated carbon for removal of trace organics. Bacteria/particle removal Durapore® Cartridge – Durapore® membrane cartridge for the removal of all material larger than pore size of 0.22 μm.

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